Sunday 1 May 2016

A Shadowhunters Week Finale

Hey there fellow Shadowhunters. Those of you who joined #ShadowhuntersWeek I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and those of you who just followed my posts and those of others, I hope you liked the content! Today is Sunday and herewith the week is officially over. Let’s have a short recap shall we?

A Shadowhunters Week started with the rather spontanious introduction last Sunday
❥ On Day I we started off with my review of City of Ashes
❥ On Day II I finally got to share Part I of my Shadowhunters Season One Review about the Episodes & Show with you guys
❥ On Day III my five favourite LOL moments in Lady Midnight were posted
❥ Day IV featured Part II of my Shadowhunters Season One Review about the Cast & Characters
I kind of skipped Day V and Day VI which brings us to Dav VII and the final post of my first theme week.


So, about my ReadAThon... Originally I had planned to at least finish one book in the series. Sadly, I didn't. I got as far as 300 pages in City of Glass because I was so occupied with work that I didn't have any freetime to myself and my books. I'm a little disappointed in this, but well, I can't change it. I still had a really good time, though! I got to finally write my series review, some other fun posts and you know, it's not like I didn't read anything at all. Also, I began reading Tales of the Shadowhunting Academy (didn't get very far, though) and do you know what my Shadowhunter name would be? Yasmine Bluehood. I think that's a really cool name and I'm glad that I stumbled upon it. If you're also interested in doing so: Check out the book and the first two words that spring to your eyes on that page will make your name. If you don't have a copy of the book you can message me and I'll gladly send you an image of that page.

So yeah, all in all I'm quite happy with this week and maybe in the future I'll do another theme week from another fandom and hope you'll join!

I'd like to know

You can link up any posts you've published this week for #ShadowhuntersWeek below. Tell me about your accomplishments in the comments and what you love most about Shadowhunters.